Earth: A REAL fallen planet


I have not written in awhile and don’t know what to say in regards to a title. I have been through absolute hell on this planet. I feel like I was born for a torture program and everyone around me are liars and sit in silence. I know that earth is totally a fallen planet and yes it is run by Lucifer.  Today, around 10:00 am or so.. they induced me into a sleep and I received a very negative cuban like elite man giving me shit about me. This whole entire AI thing is designed for them to have their astral sex and abuse people that won’t go along with their sick human trafficking and human eating andrenochrome.  I don’t care what the world thinks of me at all. I know what has happened to me from these lizards that look human because I know that Lucifer used his seed to hide his destruction. He has an army and he has built it with loyalists and clones and machinery now.  Yes he walks this planet. He is about 5’5″ tall and has brown copper hair and very handsome. He did a video called Cooking with Trash with his so called mom. Who knows.  At first when I met him his hair was frazzled out. Then I saw his halo. The illuminated one. Oh yeah and that is when I closed my laptop. I was like oh No you don’t. Not interested.  He is the stealer of dreams. He takes what does not belong to him by putting a spider like AI thing in your eye to watch what you do in real time. Of course, all your shit is done in real time and that is how the gangstalkers know when you go out the door because the technology is fallen.  Yes the greys are involved too and they are part of his situation. I received very heavy psychic attacks from them. I don’t like them at all.  I used to look at them in comic books and just not like them at all.  My mother is a secret witch who is loyal to lucifer and now it makes perfect sense her behavior towards me.  While I was going through heavy gangstalking she even wanted to put in a psych ward and said that “she would pay for it.”  She even wanted to call the cops on me. Her own daughter. So, now that I look back on a lot of shit in my life.. it is a Holy War. A war only from the Creator when he kicked Lucifer out of Heaven. Lucifer used his seed to infect man kind and has done a bang up job of getting everyone to love him via through the fallen technology and his gifts.  I remember one day I was driving my car and thinking to myself , ” How in the world do these people get fancy cars?” Now, I know. They somehow sacrifice something for Lucifer to “show their love for him.”  I have a pretty good idea of how this planet works. A shit load of Tis who pretend to be targeted by him are now fading away. They are going silent.  Do you know why? because they don’t have the truth. and also work for Lucifer.  I have run into a ton of worshippers. The chemtrails are the reason for the brain washing. So, you get to meet him in the 4d via your pineal gland. I remember my first meeting with him. He punched me in the face in the 4d.  He was wearing shorts and a t-shirt from the 1970s.  Then one day I ran into him. He gave off a very negative attitude to me. He stopped right in front of me on his bike. He wore a helmet so I could not see his face, but I definitely could feel his hatred towards me. This is why I am here just to get a report card on Earth and the inhabitants and leave back to the Creator. I hate it here. I can’t stand it and No.. I will complete what I can and be happy to leave this section of the Universe and go Home, finally.  I will have a report on soul level achievements.  I think he is working his way up to Heaven to infect it and get God’s throne in the dimensions.  He wants that throne. Of course. He is using Earth as a springboard in my opinion. Anyhow, Chemtrails are a bio-weapon used on the central nervous system and your Dna is then given to him to torture you with. I recommend that you do not smoke dope when you are a Ti because you will see things in 4d that is really not suitable.  Marijuana is a form where you are vulnerable and you can’t really fight back. So, no dope.  Try to stay off of medication from the pharmacology people.  I just know that I don’t like it here and my last mission. I do not want to be recycled here again for torture. I have grown up. I really have and know now what this planet is all about.  I wish to go Home back to my loved ones. That could be a planet or Heaven itself.  I hope it is away from this joint.  VIP club. haha.  I hope my writings help someone some day. I have been literally thrown down in the dirt with this targeting.  My whole life ruined due to who I am on a soul level.  It is wrong to track and trace someone based on who they are on a soul level. However, it is here.  Bio metric scanning is what lucifer wants and most of the people on the planet worship him so they don’t have a problem with it.  They get their information via the inversion of the pineal gland anyhow.  They get their information from Lucifer on children of God and then they are stalked at a later time.  Well, I am going to write later because I am getting tired and being hit with ELF.


The time is 6:42 am. I couldn’t get any real sleep and that is done on purpose from Lucifer/ Darpa.  I want to sue the shit out of Lindsey Graham and Al gore. How? I don’t have anyway to do it?  I have no money and this planet is designed for money. I know what has happened to me and it should not happen to anyone else, especiallay to a child who grew up happy and into adulthood. I will never accept the fallen angel, Michael. I would rather die than work for that  spider thing.  I have an implant so that thing can monitor me.  The greatest violation is for someone or something to put an illegal object inside someone and track and hunt them down.  However, we are dealing with Orion, now aren’t we. The hunter of men. They steal your medical files and give it to that thing michael so that a laser can hit you in the eye and put this tracking device inside your body and violate your mind and sleeping consciousness.  The chemtrails are behind this big time.  I met the mother fucker yesterday. He was playing golf and I wonder why that thing did not confront me?  I was right there. However, he was playing golf. “He became man.”  Remember this. The fucking cops protect that thing.  So, does the rest of society because they all love this thing call Jesus or mohammad . He is actually a living nightmare.  He steals from you. however, there are people who just love what they do and want to be violated by that thing called Lucifer.  Some of these people are NOT human. They are cross bred things. Grey/ human. I believe that most of the children cases are children who are designed to be abducted and murdered to feed that thing lucifer.  I wonder why I am alive. ?  It is not my mom. She fucking  sat in silence while all my gangstalking was going on and she knows darn good and well what has happened to me. She did nothing. She will be punished somehow some way by not being accepted into Heaven. No way. She can stay with Lucifer. There is no way she will infiltrate Heaven. She is the biggest liar too and fits in with all the other woman on this planet.  I was a very happy child. I did that on my own. I looked up to my dad. He was great. I don’t think he was happy with my mom though towards the end.  I think my mom just picked him because he was smart.  She wanted a smart guy so that she could leave home. 

So, the way this works is that the chemtrails are sprayed all over the world. Then if you have a job.. you are mobbed to death to quit. It was done to me twice.  I used to work for TSA/ DHS , which is a made up agency from the bush reptilian family. Cody Johnson an 18 yr old kid did not show up for work and people were blaming me because we talked about lizards on You Tube. Well, he did not show up and the people I worked for played this fucking game on how he was going ballistic and grabbed his guns and went to Las Vegas. His mom came and said that he did not take his “medicine.”  Anyhow, for about 48 hrs No one  knew where this fucker was. So, management and my supervisor wanted to blame me for “talking” to him about lizards.  Someone else did a report and said that he was fine, but acted strange on his own accord.  The last time I saw that fucking kid was down in bags and he told me that I had a golden halo or some shit like that.  I was down in bags and the call came in that he was finally with his mom. I was relieved because I did not know if he went off the deep end.  Do you see the game that was played? All of them knew this psychological game that is being played by Lucifer and his followers.  Very fucking cruel.  The second fucking time was right after I met stupid Al Gore. He pretended to be flying out.  However, he did check me out. He gave me a very dirty look.  I did nothing, but check his stupid bag and said adios.  Fuck him. Then a few days goes by and the lizard follower gangstalkers all started to act on me. I was being followed and harassed by everyone. Bike, Car, walkers, People with dogs, kids, teenagers.. etc.  At work every fucking passenger threw their illuminated egyptian symbolism at me in the x-ray.  I was just trying to do my job when those fuckers decided to be pricks to me. I had to quit because I did not know what was going on. I lost a $40,000 job due to this fucking reptilian planet.  Why? because Lucifer runs this shit hole and YOU need to know this.  It is because of a holy war that occurred in Heaven and YOU are probably one of God’s good guys.  Here to get a status update on Lucifer and his horseshit.  Now, yes, he does walk this planet and he is a real nasty motherfucker.  Especially, when you try and sleep. REM cloning. It is one way that people are loyal to him. He taps into everyone’s mind. Mind mapping is done to let that thing know that YOU work for him. It is one way for him to “check” who will work for him and do his nasty deeds. I mean nasty. Like murder.   So, the voice in the head or v2K is done on purpose to make a person crazy.  It is one way that Lucifer can get “rid” of God’s people on the planet. ( Don’t listen to Santos boracci) He believes the earth is flat and is a sophisticated satanists.   His music is good, but that is about it. Anyhow, all of this is coming together and it is real simple: Michael is the fallen one and walks this planet and he is real nasty and pretty much everyone worships him and will do his bidding if called upon.  This is why everyone allows him into their house.  It is a mind fuck,  I know, but all of this is true.  The reason why I have an implant is because HE knows that I am NOT a worker bee like the rest of his other people.  I saw this in action at an early age. Probably around 5th grade. I was friends with a girl by the name of Amy Liggett. ( at least I thought i was friends) Anyhow, one day I waited for her  to walk down and her entire attitude disappeared. She was not smiling. He hair was pushed inside a sweater and being very shut off.  She did not want to talk.  I was like whoooo. What happened.  Well, I will tell you what happened. That night, a ritual occurred where during her sleep she met Lucifer. She went through some bullshit ritual that “traumatized” her and fucked her up and then he told her to stay away from me.  I was the bad guy. He told her by mind or synthetic telepathy that I was the bad guy.  I wasn’t . I was just a kid who wanted a friend.  He fucked my relationship with her. So, I moved on. I found other things to do like cheerleading etc. I made new friends, but I will never forget how she literally changed over night. Seriously. I knew her mom too and she gave me NO explantation . I can look back on this now and see the writing on the wall of what happened to her.  She went through a black mass ritual that really scared the shit out of her and was told NOT to be my friend and to start immediately hating me.  That is what is going on this planet. Synthetic telepathy used as a weapon to hate people.  All because of an old war that occurred in Heaven. Well, in that case : fuck planet earth.  Have a good one. I got the report card of this planet and nothing is going to change that.  Later kids. P. S. All the major kidnapping murder cases are done for Lucifer via through the parents who are satanists. 

Casey Anthony – neighbor said that the anthony’s were Masons. There was no real boyfriend. She got pregnant from some ritual or just had DARPA get her pregnant. 

Madeline McCain ( Belgium case or where it occurred) 

Ramsey Jon benet ( the little girl dressed up in those competitions)

 Cops are protectors of real murdering crimes because they take a second oath to Lucifer.  It is a nasty feudal system and there is nothing I can do about it. It has been on the planet for a long time.  

TWO things I want : This implant out and to be left alone to get a stupid job on this rock. I wish to be alone. I don’t want anything else.  ( side note- most doctors don’t have the balls to remove this because then they will get in trouble.) 








The Greys are the ones that imposes religion on the planet to get humans to conform to mind control.

No. I am not going to give  you the satisfaction. I have been violated beyond belief because ALL OF YOU are insecure about your position as a person on this planet. I don’t care about your churches, government, school politics because I know it is all a false flag operation.  All I can say.. is that everything is controlled on this planet. I have done everything correct in this timeline. Everything. I went to your institutions and applied at your false jobs where false money is generated. I have done everything in my power to get a long and so far what did I get in return? I got implanted and poisoned by a bunch of boys in a secret society acting like gods with small  dicks and like to manipulate people left and right.  War has always been on this planet and I don’t wish to participate in it.  I know that they are attacking people and property with this weaponry and NO one wants to address it.  So, it is the old saying.. don’t cry on my shoulders when shit goes down because I have been warning you ALL.  You worship this fallen god stuff from ancient egypt and that is your business. I never wanted it. I just wanted to be left alone. I just wanted a job where I could take care my needs and be left in some quiet time. I don’t bother you and tell you how to live your life now do I?  I leave you alone because your fake world is designed to persecute me and label me as a heretic, crazy bitch, gun freak, racists and suicidial.  So, you know what people of Earth.. you need to grow up.. you really in truly do.  I am not going to play your anti-Semitic nazi game.  I know what I see with my own two eyes and that is all that counts and you wonder why your place is fucked up. Well, it has to do with the fact that you do not address the secret cult that you have joined up.  It is no different than an alcoholic. I can tell you are an alcoholic , but it is up to YOU to stop.  Until I see things really improving like hearing a doctor say that he can remove implants from Targeted Individuals.. I don’t care about your world.  I just want my life back from your esoteric world. I don’t care about your hybrids or your greys. I could care less.  My feet touch the ground and I have been violated by DARPA.  I don’t care about your mixing of the genetics. I don’t care.  I want my life back in which was violated and interrupted by two men in politics ( al gore and lindsey graham) . I want justice and I would love to sue the shit out of the government, universities, and corporations that have designed this weaponry. I can’t right now without again.. being labeled a mentally ill person.  I am not going to risk what I have for your sick game of swiss nazism. You know what. .. wait until you get DEWED because I heard that Lucifer eats his own.


Ella F. in regards to this web information, it is just a basis of information for Ti. I have contacted this individual an it turns out that they did not want to talk. Handed me off to some other shit. Ella F. is just a data collection agency for Ti’s. It is amazing how people just clam up when you talk abut stuff more in depth. Oh well.

Just amazing how people protect the elite . I can’ believe it, but I can. Amazing. I can’t believe how I could be so stupid. I try and give people the benefit of the doubt, but it is a joke. All I have ever wanted was just to do my own thing. I never was religious and shit. Just wanted a job and take care of my own personal stuff. I never bothered anyone. Just walked down the street and I got hit with all this horseshit


So, you want to know how this crap starts? It starts when you are born and your soul attaches to the central nervous system. Yes there is an old war going on. It is a war between Lucifer and God because the shit I have gone through there is no answer.  I suppose I carry the answer to God to let him/her know that lucifer is a piece of shit.  I will never come back. I am done. This is my last rodeo. I don’t want to do this ever again. I have illegal implants in me for their cheating asses. I have one in my eye because they want to see what I do all the time. My dreams..e everything. Why? because I come from a different place and they don’t like their structure upset.  These people work for him and that is that. I don’t like this place . I never have and I never will.  I knew when I was a kid things were just wrong. People just walked around like they were eye balling me. Even my own mother. She is still true to the sister of isis.  She is a sisterhood clan person.  Yes, she has betrayed me big time. These parents give up their kids to lucifer.  I have wiring in my from head to toe and implants. The wiring comes from the air, the chemtrails.  The implants comes from the military or satellites. I know that Lindsey graham did this to me because  I was fully conscious at the time of the implant. It was a laser of some sort that hit me and then I saw him plain as day via through my pineal gland sitting there in all red with a septor thing just smiling and laughing. Fucking prick.   Once I was implanted with an “emotion” chip things have been hell. They monitor every reaction I have. Why? because I am a  sensitive. My DNA has amazing light codes. Pastel color.  They have this spinning holographic DNA thing and i saw what they did to me.  The MILAB girl acknowledge yes for something.  So, that is me.  I suppose they were verifying  something.   They read my thoughts and everything. This technology is coming from the greys. Yes. the little Grey.. who are absolutely little shits that need to get their asses kicked and killed.  I am not going to apologize at all for this remark.  The greys are part of the fallen one’s crew. I saw them again in 2013. Real nasty and they give off a negative character. You can feel the hatred they have for me. The hatred for mankind.  It was giving off this mental thing where it was a captain. Captain of what?  Military based attitude. I know there is a link between these greys and the way people are. These people are TRAINED to be gangstalkers and I know from history that this shit has been going on for a long time.  So, yes we are talking about the fall of lucifer. Everyone worships mar duke/ Jesus/ Enki/ lucifer/ Siva/ whatever.  I read these people on the streets and they just have a horrible shitty protection about them worshipping lucifer.  So, in essence they “protect the king.”  So, what the fuck do you want me to do about it?  Tell you that 99 percent of the population worship the fallen one.  I was happy just living my fucking life when these stupid masons’ from my job followed me. Every kid that is born is tracked and traced by lucifer. That is why there is a blood bank because he wants to know who that person is on a soul level because he is in constant war with God.  Well, thats now my problem because I have fucking implants in me and his minions follow, follow and lie about shit. Who controls the media? He does.  I don’t get excited anymore about the media because I know it is his stupid empire: octogon.  I can read pretty much through false flag operations because his operation is to have man fight man so that he can bring in  his clones.  I remember in the 1980s this woman got on the news and said they cloned their first human.  It was on an island and the govt did not give a shit. So, what does that tell you? I saw it with my own eyes.  Then they started cloning a sheep and a cat.  Hollywood clones their own dogs now. People must be desperate for that kind of  love.   Wow. It is stupid actually.  To make a copy of something that you know has passed away. There is something wrong with that. Why not let it go?   release and move on?  You have to. However, you have a reptilian crew in hollywood.  You have to be reptilian to work in hollywood or be a mason. That is pretty much it.

I remember being a young girl learning how to swim and I was going to jump off the high dive. I remember the guy below saying he would catch me, but he didn’t he barely even touched me.  Promises. They mean nothing. Oh sure, I made it because I was determined, but he was working for lucifer. You see when you are born he knows who God’s people are and your life will be very hard and difficult because this is where he fell or should i say landed here. Boom.  I remember as a very very young child he was a black cat watching me.  He is a shape shifter.  He did that not took long ago now. He was a dog and a cat.  Anyhow, so you come here and attach to a body, latch on through the central nervous system and try to walk until one day you get attacked.  The chemtrails are a bio-weapon to be used by him to keep you under control. It is all about steering you in a certain direction and basically mind control for him, the pharaoh.  Yes he is Jesus. All you have to do is look at Canterbury Cathedral and see him. That is it in a nut shell. Max Spiers told everyone that when he went to Kent, UK.  He points him out. He is on a different dimension/ level.  Just prior to my implant I saw that statue in a video on you tube and knew then.  The video of max spiers showing you Jesus was later on through Bases 21.  So, I know I saw the false one prior to max pointing it out.   I watched that video on an old Macintosh and that is how I remember it. I saw it first on a you tube video and could see the alien on the wall.  This was him showing me that he was an alien. The shadow from one of the hands was obviously very different from the structure of the statue.  This is of course when I was going through my bible thumping trying to figure out why I was gangstalked.  The time frame on this is 2013-2014.  I quit my job March of 2013 when the general public were dicks to me and throwing their eye of ra crap at me.  So, Jesus is an alien. Plain and simple and it is HIM.  He has always been a pain  for me. It is the reason why I could never get a REAL job and my friends leaving me. it is the reason why I am in the position that I am in. It is because I come from a different dimension and I see things differently. Humanity is fucked up because of him and most of the people follow him anyhow. So, like I said: What the fuck do you want me to  do about it? Maybe I should just watch on the side lines?  I try to get involved and talk, but  I just find out that there are blocks with these people.  They block. So, perhaps a hard core knock in the head for these people when they can’t think, reproduce, breathe, will wake them up?  Perhaps it will have to get so bad that they don’t even have a job and look  at themselves and say.. what do I have?  I would say: you got nothing because you allowed it. I tried to bitch slap you, but you would not listen.  You wanted to lock me up and give me to DHS instead. I have told you: he wants to destroy God’s creation and that is YOU.  So, are you going to wake up or continue to worship?  He eats your kids you know.   He takes what is given to you naturally without a care in the universe.  He takes and then does whatever he wants: mimic’s it by cloning or whatever goes on in that head.   I wonder within his own family like the illuminate  if  those kids want to break away.??  I am sure that is difficult because he has them mind mapped due to his blood being them.  High concentration of his DNA.  I am sure it is hard to escape.   I listened Kieron on You tube and he said that he was told by someone that the wealthy.. if they wanted to help they would be targeted.  That whole family gone. So, Lucifer has everyone by the  balls. Everyone. well except me. fuck him.  I don’t own him shit. He knows it too. Just because I have fucking implants in me doesn’t me I can’t fuck him up too.  You know how?  Gee…. could it be love and devotion to the big boss and having the instinct of right and wrong?  Yeah. I like having my own personal psychic fucking powers.  You see most of the shit you see in the media is concocted by his actors and that is how law and rules get passed on the planet.  Duh.  So, I just kind of look around and realize  the show that is being performed. Do bad things happen to people? yes. However, overall, I am finding that some of this stuff is  staged.  For example, the child trafficking over on Valencia in Tucson that was all staged and the cops and the people involved are all actors.  To scare people. Is it tied to the Clintons.. maybe. However, in general the whole thing was staged up because I could tell these people were not sincere.


I  am in the process of uploading a bunch of swiss templar information from a man in Europe who knows really what is going on and how it has been going on for a long time. I woke up today at 6:15 and I was full of sweat. I think I was radiated. My right arm is in pain. I wake up with lash marks all over my body. Horrible / hot/ lash marks and you wonder why I won’t  be like the rest of them.  My eyes are red and has white junk in them that is sticky and that white stuff is from the chemtrails. I have had this before when I was a child. I remember going into my mother’s room because she always had a glass of water in her room. I remember waking up and drinking that water because in the middle of the night I was very thirsty.  I even smell different this morning.  Do people want to know the truth. Probably not. They are happy taking orders, but we are dealing with the fallen ones.. the pleadians.  Especially the main one: lucifer. How the hell did this come to me? My mom? No. I landed here and on  a job assignment, I  suppose. The swiss templars are to protect the king and guess who that is: lucifer.  Good for them.  I have a mission to protect myself for now.  How am I suppose to do that? Love. Love for myself and just keep going. He is a mean son of a bitch. He has hated me for a long time and so fucking what. Just a small war.. no big deal. I just wake up with horrible markings on my body and I don’t feel rested at all. In fact, I don’t want to do anything.  He is a piece of shit and has been following me my whole life. I don’t care if I have some of the DNA in me .. i am being specifically targeted because of who I am on a soul level. That’s his problem.  I came down as a happy baby/ kid and his system is bullshit.  I have done all the right things and still it is not good enough. So, in my words we are not exactly friends at all. I remember my first encounter with him and he hit me across the face. He was really mean. OH and he wore 1970s clothing. He was a piece of shit to hit me across the face, esoterically.  Then I received a bio-api and that bio-api was from the greys. A crown of thorns so- speak. They think I have forgotten all the shit they have done, but I have not.  I remember getting it and my whole body just itched horribly for a couple of days.   The greys.. I really think are behind most of the dirty work for lucifer. They are part of his party and they do his bidding.  So, a 1/3 of the angels fell. There is your 33 and the reason why things are messed up on the planet. I can understand some bad stuff here and there, but this is a whole different level. Cloning is really evil. I believe that he is cloning  and using this as a weapon for man to go to war.  If I have been cloned then that means he is pissed off at me.  He can destroy what he creates and I have felt his anger.  He has taken from me and cloned or made a child and I have felt his destruction with that.  He destroyed it. Killed that clone.  So, I don’t know what to say.  I never imagined this would happen to me. I just wanted to live a simple life and now I am thrown into his little world.  He is really pissed at me for no good reason. I guess it is because I won’t be like the rest of the people that are indoctrinated.  I can’t.  I have seen the work from the 1960s and onward on how humanity is really abused by the governments like sterilization and abortions when the patient did not know what was going on.  A women mentioned how she has been scared for life because she was 17 and pregnant and was forced to go to this re-education place. She was lucky because she had the baby, but the swissy took the kid for awhile. She was re-united, but she was persistent and that is how she won in the end.  Another women received electro-shock when she was young and the doctors told her that she was normal, but when she fell pregnant too she was told she needed more help and the baby was aborted and she was sterilized.  The pharaoh’s mind control.  So, the entire medical field is corrupt. I know this first hand because I have implants in me illegally and I have to wonder if my eye doctor handed over my file to the masons’ for this day. I still remember being in the hall way of my home when a satellite hit me and next thing I know it is lindsey graham sitting in red with a septor laughing at me.  This was seen through my pineal gland. So, I Know how it feels to be violated and fully conscious.  I know the greys gave me an implant in my left wrist. I know the military put an implant behind my left ear. My mother allowed it. I have to get this out.  I think the chemtrails are a fine substance that is like an optical wire and they can send frequencies to people and tell people how to run their life because they want control. The entire thing is about control. All of it. WE have problems with the guns all of the sudden? Why? because they don’t want you to shoot an alien / hybrid that they can control.   We have massive problems on the planet and it is tied to the masonic/ octogon/ swiss templar organization. We don’t need secrets.  We need to live.  Lucifer’s headquarter is Switzerland or at least that is where the top of the line.. his family lives. Earth to me is just a place for me to get a report on what he has been up to. I know that he causes all wars and is a piece of shit spider.  How do you break a web.. with a sword.  He has been cloning animals and things on the planet for a long time.. I am afraid.  So, here most of the people that I try to talk to worship him anyhow because of the Jesus factor.  The chemtrails act as splinters like the one on the cross. That is what they represent. It is a torture device on the central nervous system by him and then he infiltrates your mind/ pineal gland and tortures you through dream manipulation. I woke up horribly sweaty today and in pain again with markings or slashes from the technology called EMR.  EMR has been on the planet since the beginning since he fell here. So, what the fuck can I say. An old fucking war with God’s people and this is why we are targeted. He has no problems destroying, corrupting , manipulating shit.  So, I know his fucking army and actually everything is a lie and I just want to go home.  I know that in the news the DNC shit heads want to start some kind of war .. well like my friend said . maybe a few of his important elite need to die.  To tell them we are not fucking around either. I killed a bird today and noticed it took awhile to kill it. It was a hybrid. I could tell. So, these people if you need to kill them your gonna have to do it all the way. Really fire upon them because they don’t go down in one shot. Your gonna have to put several tactics in there to get them down. I hear that if  a lizard/ hybrid attacks you there is a heart in both arm pit and you can take them down just above the groin because that is where their liver is. You can strike them there.  I am not promoting war… but defense information. These lizards/ templars lived in caves and it makes sense now about the DUMBS and how the lizards go underground.  They lived in these castles so they could see the village and take hostage of people. Fuckers. We now have guns.. so if you need  a gun now is the best time to buy a few guns otherwise you are fucked. These lizard /templar/ swiss / nazis are cold and they don’t care about you at all.  They tried to convert me through their black magic / EMR/ Static electricity / GWEN tower shit that it failed because I know what real love it. It certainly is not this planet. Earth is hell and this is where Michael fell. I am just here to get a report on his shit for the one true God. HAHA. Anyhow, all I can say is Oh well.



So, I went to get the mail and up come a car with a license plate that says Blue 3. That means they worship the copper based blue bloods of this planet and the number three represents : iris, horos and set.  Oh yeah, I got it. The old religion on this planet. Run by their lucifer god, Enki , Michael, Jesus. I can not compete against people who worship jesus. Not my job. My job is to inform people that all wars are caused by him and he is the reason man is fucked up.  He wants me to go up against his people so basically a suicide mission. I won’t.  I have lost all hope in humanity. It is gone and I should just shut up and drink a beer. Yeah, I have a good idea of what is coming up.



I had sexual encounter last night. It was pretty intense and I know it was my friends from DARPA or my so called handler.  I am also wondering if LSD is being sprayed into the air by the chemtrails. Of course, they only tell you that it has barium, strontium and aluminum, but what if there is more to it? LSD? Lucy in the sky with diamonds.  Lucy is Lucifer.  Lucifer is the drug to people of this world. So, there you have it. A way to open your chakra system and have him infiltrate your system?  I wonder?  If you add EMR you will have a perhaps a more horrible experience.  I am just wondering if this is so? I know I have implants too.. so that is another factor.  Lucifer is trying his best to deflect himself from the scenery. I know he is.  He is trying to get me to steer in another direction, but I got him. He fell to this planet and has his minions working over time. To put it plainly, I got him.  How?  Well, by education and watching a series called the pharaoh show on You tube and also Octagon the empire of darkness. Also, a big one is that I have met him via through the pineal gland which is 4D.  His seed is on this planet and there is no question about it because all the architecture in europe shows it.  I came down here to  get a report on the planet and my report is pretty grim. He has done a bang up job of screwing up everything. So, he does not get a write off with me.  Nope.  The deal continues.  I saw a bumper sticker that had the I love Lucy and that of course is a gangstalker follower. These gangstalkers know that perhaps LSD is in the air/ food, but it does go a little deeper.  Lucifer himself because they don’t want you to believe the war from heaven. Oh no. They want deflection from him. Sorry, you king has been exposed.  You guys introduced me to him and now I expose his ass.  You should be more careful who you let into your house. HAHAHAAH> You invade in my house.. and now I expose your castle on the hill.  Lucifer has many temples.  The main ones are the pyramids around the world.  A shit  load of them. Sorry no deflection here. I have been through way too much shit to back down now. He became man. Did you know that? Now, that is scary.   He doesn’t want you to know that he exists. He does. He also plays the role of Jesus. He is white and He sit in Canada right now. He pretends that he is being gangstalked and harassed, but he is the bad guy. You can tell its him because he has an aura above his head. Yeah, no good.  He is a real piece of shit.  He trains his people very well and all wars are caused by him.  I would say to the big boss that his seed has expanded pretty far and wide.  So, why am I here? To be abused by his skinny ass? Oh yeah, I have a report to do and let the big boss know that this Earth is really fucked up and to warn the other angels. The good ones and loyal to the creator.  He  knows it. My heart belongs with the heavens. Up there somewhere. Yes.. he became man and now that is scary.. as mentioned before. I don’t want to know and don’t care to know, but he used God’s image and became man. hmm… I just want to do a report on status of this place.  He sits on the west side of the church called Canterbury Cathedral. CC=33. I have seen his friends and they are all 33 meaning they get to see him and do their plots on the surface of the planet and perhaps off planet too. I have seen his gangstalking friends jump from point A to point B. They come from out of nowhere. It doesn’t surprise me and I know he does it on purpose to make me feel jealous.  No. I remain true to my shit and what he has done to me. I have a borrowed body and that is how I look at it now.  I landed here and just have to keep going. I don’t give a shit about people anymore.   I know he eats his own and that is about responsibility from the parents who train their kids to worship him.  The way they communicate is through the pineal gland where it is inverted and you probably get to see all sort of winning people. One big orgy session, I suppose.  I was in the store one day and this guy was doing the whole fucking motion which led me to see that his boss is fucking me.  OH well.  I just keep going because I am only  loyal to the big boss, the real creator, not him who poses as Jesus. Jesus is NOT my savior and NOT my creator.  Lucifer is the Orion empire or the Octagon empire. He is NOT my friend.  I have always know this place is messed up. Always.  I tried to shrug it off by learning music, but it got worse or should I say it plateaued out.  I had a horrible accident when I was a kid. I think my sister did it on purpose because she was told to drop the bike by HIM.  She was mind controlled.  I still remember the doctors. The look on their faces.  Not to happy in helping me. That was when I was five years old.   So, you could say I don’t like it here and have every right to write my experiences because I know that his buddies on the planet remain quiet and hate God’s people.  I was in the hospital  and this girl was purposely vomiting. She was doing it on purpose because I was in the room. So, quite frankly I don’t care about people. I have lost interest and will write what the fuck I want.  I did not get any sleep last night because of Lucifer. He is a fucker and i hate him. I will always hate him until that moment when I can get the fuck out of this realm. I welcome home.  Away from this place because there is no use in fucking helping people. ..they all worship him.  I can’t wait for home or where I belong. I can’t wait to go home to the real location of love.  Not this artificially created love planet. Earth is dangerous and deadly. If you are just now going through this shit like voice to skull well you have a learning curve.  Just to let you know the prick fell from heaven and God kicked him out to this planet. End of discussion. I have my mission and  you have yours. So, fuck off.  I  have been through way too much shit  and I am not going to  have some drug tell me otherwise.  The pleadians are the fallen ones.  Watch Octagon the empire of darkness and how the swiss templars are there to protect the king. … Jesus/ Lucifer of this planet.  For now.. chow.. I will write more later on. Well, actually REV 13:13 according to that black book called the bible there is suppose to be an attack on NYC because Enki’s frequency or Lucifer’s frequency is 40. 40 on the globe lines up with NYC. So, who knows. I do know that DEW are being used by the military industrial complex.  Anyhow, I am going to stop now. chow.



So, what did you think I would do? Just bow down to abuse that I have been subjected to? Just to accept what society has been doing for thousands of years. Just bow down because its there? Are you fucking kidding me?  I have been through shit that most people could not even endure.  It is worse than childbirth. I have been taken advantage of  through some ideology and never again.  I look at things like in the news and I really don’t care about people that much anymore. I still care, but it has restrictions on it and that is the way it has to be because I don’t know their loyalty and not only that I don’t owe anybody anything. I don’t. I don’t owe a single fucking person on this fucking planet a fucking thing. I remember so much about how society so called wants to fuck me over that I will not forgive this sector.  Sorry, I won’t. No forgiveness on this planet and its so called things/ humans on this planet. Sorry, not for me.  I can leave and not feel anything for this area. I will happily walk away from these creatures.  I fucking hate it here.  Your so called  Jesus who became man.. can kiss my ass.  fuck him. I seriously don’t need the bullshit coming from Jesus. Oh didn’t you hear… he is the fallen one. Duh. I am very disappointed in humanity. Very disappointed that it would not take a stand for oneself.  To realize the abuse. But hey…  go down that road.  Parents who indoctrinate their kids through trauma for this very thing called Jesus.  I told you all he plays the role of both good and bad, but fuck me for trying to wake a persons’ neurons up.  Parents did not tell me shit and neither did my so called neighbor.  Neighbors just want you to die so they get perk  or some shit from their fucking earth god, Jesus. All of them work for Jesus. HAA.. He has the whole world fucking by the balls. I could gladly go and just take the report with me and just leave. There is no way in hell I would love him. NO way. Not after what I have been through. No way. Him and his greys…The greys are the ones that go after people. The fucking greys. Those little shits need to die. Those fucker are behind most of the technology on this crappy planet. Those are the ones that put fucking implants in people and they keep people separated who are like minded. Like the TI community.  These little fucking greys need to be killed. wiped out.  Are the people protecting the greys? Oh yeah,.. these greys used technology and probably went back in time to impose their religion on the planet to the point we are in now. Fucked up chaos. But I see them. They act as Jesus.  CERN needs to be destroyed. That is grey technology.  The greys are using human DNA for their own means. I saw a little girl who was definitely not human. She was green with black eyes.  No soul. She was like  a robot in the UK. I think that the greys are using  mind control technology for their little pets.  They speak of code on the planet with their symbology and hand down orders to the swiss templars like in hollywood and their little masons.  Humans are getting orders from the greys.  It is the greys. … they are the ones that we should be after. Our governments have sold everyone out for experimentation.  Alex Collier was right. It is the greys or black monks. Time to rumble.



Remember YOU are Under Remote Neural Monitoring.

A Military weapon from injections from the Medical field. You are NOT to Blame-they ARE. Remember Who you are. 


 Remember you are dealing with Reptilan hybrids. So, push yourself through their DEW

Today’s date is 1-7-24. My whole left arm and my legs are in pain like someone beat me up in the streets. His name is Enki. He is a shapshifter spider that has the head of three: a cat, toad, and a man.  He is the mastermind behind all this bullshit right now on the Earth. Enki. He has a son I think called BAAL from the bible that goes way back: Abel. If you transfers the name around you get bal minus the letter E.   I left the church long ago, however, the church came after me many times using psychic driving.  I had a priest one day hit my car. I had a priest follow me to a certain event-pretending to be there. I knew he was a spy for the church.   Earth is in a matrix and even Heaven is a matrix.   Enki built a false matrix. Money is a matrix.  Love is something they attack aggressively. Remember, right now, attacks are everywhere. Your going to see it especially in the Middle east because they are after probalby old technology from Atlantis. Maybe. Don’t know, but I do know that every single war that has been created was created to hide something. Probably the Clones being surfaced on the planet. To get them to re-intergrate and mix with humans.  Yes. Clones. One abuductee stated that the Greys need humans because of our nurturing side.You have to be careful on the 3d because these clones are out and about. This is why I say, stay away from other people’s children.  Don’t be a savior. I don’t have an answer for the school system-maybe mankind will just have to make sure real human kids are educated. Not these cloned out black eyed babies. Yes,they are being born and the way that is done is by black nano technology or black goo. It is in the bloodstream of when two people mate and this is also how the Greys are able to “pair up a couple” to produce a child that they can later keep and play with.  Just like MK ultra. So, just be aware that the children you see today-could be grey infected. Alien.Their vibration is low and have fallacies. I have seen them in Asian culture. Big time you see them there.  How do you dominate a planet-you go after the alpha males. You get them to change like Bruce Jenner. Change them mentally. So, if you go after alpha males-the women fall and the planet is theirs. Then they will liink Earth up with the other 12 planets and all those planets are now slaved out.  His name is Enki. Nibruian. He is skinny, curly hair and that is all I can tell you about. He is probably the same vampire that drove those girls to watch slender man. ( another case). 

Judicial System. 

 Be very careful out there. You want to be a normal human; not a  clone subject for the crown corporation.  Don’t go to any events like January 6th. That was a mind fuck event.  Police involved in trapping people. It was a trap. It was a mind fuckery game.  Trump had nothing to say except goodbye and give you the impression he had information on deep state. That was a mind game.  They are using high advance technology to sway people -so know you own thoughts. Know who you are first and foremost. If you have a job right now that is rare. Keep it.  They are selling off the American assets like Land to the Chinese or any other foreign nation to bank roll their dark pedophilliac off world games.  I believe America is literally on life support,.  Yes, the Jeffrey Epsein game was and is being produced to you, but these people have been doing this shit for year and doing with psychotronics. Using MK ultra tactics. Using Military tactics to get to kids for their sick sexual advances. They are Locuts and do not stop. Not until Mankind gets it shit together and starts to fire everyone and also shut down major agencies within the Govt.  You need to take charge of black ops aka NASA and that sun simulator in the sky.  You need to take charge of what is ON the MOON right now,. HOw millions of satellites are surrounding the Earth. Is that normal? No.  How 5g needs to be destroyed so that microwave hearing ends. ( Havana syndrome). How Obama was and is behind That sun simulator thing.  They have miltiarizied society and space up and outside the earth for their own personal gain of money.  They have jump rooms and all sorts of other weapons to play games with the human time line.  Yes… we do have clones and they are walking around modeling for you.  I saw a video of a plain jane teacher who just could not teach due to three or 4 bad eggs.  Now, you have to ask yourself why? Why would a child act out so aggressively of bitting and throwing objects that are  heavier than normal. That is a big fucking clue.  The kid is a hybrid of the Greys. So, she has mentioned how the school district won’t help her in assessing this kid. He or she are put right back into the classroom.  So, she put in her resignation letter and the principal there was mad at her and even said she won’t teach in that county every again. So, instead of helping her, the teacher, they blame her. Employees are no longer valued and her teaching style is fine.  Her observations are fine. So, this tells me that humanity is being divided. How can you help an aggressive human hybrid. You can’t. They are designed different.

CIA CLONE AGENDA… When the money runs out-the MK ultra ends. All these migrants were promised something using v2k. Come to America and be free. That maybe true, However, I see it different. The clone Wars- many migrants are not exactly lets just say… fully human.  So, a huge planetary mind experiment was done. The invasion of the clones. This is why you see many children who are un-documented running off with who knows who. That is purposeful. #1. To upset you. #2. Not upset you.  The federal government has pumped in so much money to many cities. To fulfill the agenda. To push people out. Kind of like California and their taxes and green wars. Ah, yes, the Al Gore special. Money for Green technology. The 5g is for the clone population. Advance technology….. To fool the mind. How to get a sex change is the next agenda. CIA mind control. Here is an article:

 If Bruce Jenner does it-you can too….

Gender affirming care is a covered Medi-Cal benefit when medically necessary,” a 2022 state memo cited by the outlet states. “Requests for gender affirming care should be from specialists experienced in providing culturally competent care to transgender and gender diverse individuals and should use nationally recognized guidelines.”

According to the Transgender Law Center, Medi-Cal should cover “hormone treatment, gender reassignment surgery, and other necessary procedures.”

Really?? You do know that this is EMF mind control to hack your body so that they can feed. 

 They are looking for food-human organs.  Remember this is all reptilians based. The Annunaki Plan or The Human Plan. 

Remember also: A sacrifice was made in order to become a woman. Also, before going under the Knife with a very expensive surgeon- the Kardassians have a ton of money for any repairs needed. They have a bank that can “fix” things. So, always remember the source. These people are NOT role models. Do NOT become a statistic for the medical profession now. This is life altering shit!!! EDUCATION IS KEY. Behind Door number one is HOLLYWOOD AND THEY DON’T HAVE YOUR BACK. DO NOT FALL FOR THEIR MK ULTRA BODY HACKING SHIT- IT WILL REALLY HURT YOUR SPIRIT.

Lost at Sea- a Masonic ritual. ( to wash away the sins of the world is water or a moat)

Mark Epstein says his brother’s medical records are missing.  Computerized digital footprint to have someone
“lost at sea.” Maritime law?


 I don’t know why it has taken so long for the court system to even bring up the Epstein case, but it is rigged. It was and all of it is a masonic rigged game. I think that what you saw on TV of the body of Jeffrey is a clone. Yes a clone. It is all a game right now to think that this whole entire thing about names and dates and who is who is a scam from the Judicial system. You don’t get that close to the royals and not allow yourself to be cloned out.  What you saw in the jail cell of a body going out is a clone. So, it is no wonder thaat there is no “record” of him. Going digital means your “lost” at sea which means who you are is gone from the AI system. But are you? What if my estimation of their bible thumping of REV13:13 is coming? What if NYC will be wiped out? What if atlantis is done all over again except this time an escape plan is already existing for those who pay to play with Lucifer?  What if I  am right? You saw a clone and the real epstein is in cyrostasis. His consciousness is somewhere else.  What if the real Jeffrey is on ice so to speak and just waiting for the earth to get fucked up and wait 7 years to come down. Maybe the book “the road” is correct.  The uprising of the vampires.  Like I said: One of the illuminate final cards is to decimate babylon, the double and NYC is double. Enki and the apple of his eye is NYC.  Maybe many people are NOT dead-just somewhere else on ice until they are re-vived after the so called war. Then they will re-populate the earth with new seed that is more “controllable.”  Their plans is to fuck up NYC and the 13 colonies ; escape the wrath of it; go to the moon or mars or another planet; wait 7 years for things to calm down; then re-populate the earth like I said: with new seed. So, what we are seeing here is lost at sea, which is a masonic death.  Is he alive? Probably. I would not doubt it at all.  They have DUMBS and anything can go on down and beneath your feet.  I remember seeing a live TV broadcast of a woman who said: they cloned their first human and we do have a company called clone-aid that clones people with ID and stuff.  I think all this stuff with the names coming out is one big game to the illuminate scum.  Lucifer and his crew are blowing smoke up everyone’s ass.  So, don’t hold yuor breath and never wait for a miracle. Not on this planet. I hate earth to be frank, but at least I give you truth. The snakes are trying to escape the wrath of Nibiru and their laser pointing technology to fuck up NYC and the 13 colonies. If they do it: I warned you first. I believe that Epstein’s case is a masonic one: A game. A lie because they clone and playing the double. I told you what runs this planet: An alien spider called Enki the tinker of genetics. How do you govern a planet: you dominate the genetics. 

Time to grow up to their 12 planets that are all linked and has life on them.  The sun is a weapon and the moon is an escape pad. When I say Luicfer/ Enki/ Jesus it is one person. Remember Michael is Jesus and Jesus is Horus. The Horus matrix.

How the Movie “OLD” tells you about EMF/ Magnetism and how companies study humans. 

The Movie, Old, tells you about how secret companies namely, laboratories and BIG PHARMA uses humans( DNA light codes stolen) as guinea pigs. I would say, immediately, the server with the drinks was the biggest give away. What is in the drinks will be the beginning onset of getting old when you get to the other side of the island. BIG Pharama HIDE AN AGENDA and that was to make big money using humans with ailments to speed up clinical trials. The island was one big human trial, but if the so called manger told you to go to the other side it was one giant magnet. It speed up your molecular cells to become old. So, for every half hour you lose say 20 years of your life. Something like that. We are living in this life right now with 5g and with the COVID shot that is accelerating death from the globalist and Hollywood elite.  OLD is a vampire movie.  It sucks the life out of you. The little boy  is the savior. He just wanted a friend and he secretly gave codes to people to survive.  So, immediately, I knew it was the server. Something in the drinks when guests arrived. Then from there… three families or partners were selected. The bottom line is that it was a Jurassic Park and Lord of the Flies theme to it. EMF will harm the human body.  This so called island company gave the idea of serenity and paradise to people who were already sick. The key to understanding it is that your DNA profile and your sickness HIPPA rights were violated because in the film the woman talked of how they were selected. It was a random thing through their pharmacy.   She followed through with the sweepstakes and their family was on a evil magnetic island. Slowly but surely everyone was dying off except the two kids. One of them decided to de-code the letter he received from that one kid at the lobby.  Coral. Coral was the key to escaping the island. What is the chemical components of coral?   Calcium carbonate.  So, in a nutshell, the island was one giant science experiment. They use magnetism to speed up time on people who were already sick so that they could have their clinical trials and make money off the backs of people. Vampire island. Again, Hollywood tells you about the reptilians and their EMF shit. This is why I hate Earth.

Holographic Technology can fool you. Every man, woman and child has nano-tech that can fool your eyes.

The complaint states: “She had a muddled memory of something that might have been a dream, or her imagination, but she thought (the victim) was yelling at their daughter. She remembers then being in the living room area and seeing this dark, scary figure on top of (the victim), attacking him. She went over to the couch area and picked up a pair of scissors laying there and began ‘trying to kill’ the dark ominous figure attacking (the victim). It was not until (the victim) was screaming at her and fighting back that she realized the figure was not there and she was, in fact, injuring (the victim). She says that as soon as she realized what was happening she put down the scissors and tried to render first aid to (the victim).”

BAAL Worship/ RNM-remote neural monitoring.

So, why did he stab his mom? Don’t know yet, but if I was to put a dollar on the table, I would say: Remote Neural Monitoring. Check out his blood. Does it have nano particulates in it? Does he have an ocular implant from childhood vaccines? Apparently, he was as good student. He was on the honors system which tells me he could focus in class and take exams. Also, he is super calm in his demeanour when he tells cops he killed his mom. He stood “hovering” over her body which means RNM/ EMF broadcasting. It paralyzes you. The Havanna syndrome-in that video women who worked in cuban mentioned how they were paralyzed or stunned. I think it is a 60 minutes interview with the Havanna syndrome diplomats from Cuba. 5g is everywhere. So, unforutnately, he killed his mom, but would not shoot himself. Part of the whole suiciide thing is this remote neural monitoring program from the dark military. The picture you see above is a typical BAAL picture. It is biblical. Dead sheeple with the tongue hanging out. Satanic. Rosecrucians.

Well, how was his home life? Was he verbally abused? He mentions his dad was a truck driver and that can take a toll on relationship within in the home. No father figure? He only had one friend? A gamer by the name of Sweeden. I can get into that name, but for now, I am going to let that sit. The country of Sweden never has any war affecting it. It is perfect for the elite to hide money transactions. Anyhow, I am not saying this is has anything to do with money. It is about remote neural monitoring and how human lives are taken very deceptively through this technology. This was a BAAL worship killing. His shirt is blue with blood therefore, blue bloods. Very dark stuff which means the blue bloods. Dark shit. In my opinion, the kid needs a full body scan to look for implants and that is the nuts and bolts of the crime. Chow.

The apple does not fall far from the family Tree.

Opinion: Who the hell goes to a foreign country, eat a dinner and leaves kids unattended? Really? This is the story? Some one kidnapped the kid. Nah, the dog discovered the scent of death or a body that existed. In the apartment that was leased by two high level doctors. FBI dog did the work. The accidental death was in the apartment behind the sofa and also in their rented car.. kind of like Casey Anthony. smellllllssss like death. Woof, Woof. I don’t have all the details, but I have looked at little at this situation. Another SRA. The kid was probably abused and sexually assaulted to break their mind into “twinning.” MK Ultra shit. Remember MK Ultra starts at a young age to get these kids to obey high level neat people. You know, the bankers, lawyers, politicians, royalty. ETC. They probably had a body and someone entered the apartment to be the “clean up guy.” Remember, someone stated they saw a dude with a kid in their arms. ( very fuckin weird, but in the land of reptoids, I am not surprised.) Out of sight; out of mind. Yeah, the clean up crew could be linked to military grade technology. Beam me up scotty. After all, there is jump room technology or project pegasus to kidnap a body. So, in my opinion, something happened in the apartment, a clean up crew was called, the other kids were knocked out with drugs ( like the migrants kids- knocked out cold) and uh, the parents said their goodbyes and a body is missing. Bada boom Bada Bing. The apple does not fall far from the Family Tree.

Amanda Knox case: BAAL Ritual-to kill an earth angel and get away with it. From 3d to 5d.


Yeah, another SRA abuse case/ murder. Yep. According to Pat Brown and I agree with her is that Amanda Knox let in the black brother to do the killing while she stood in the Kitchen hearing the screaming. She allowed the man into the house, ON purpose. ( OLD MYTH OF OLD: YOU HAVE TO INVITE THE VAMPIRE IN.) The brother did the deed looking for a drug deal because POT was inside the house. So, yeah, dope + BAAL worship= death. Meredith was probably on a soul level an earth angel and did not realize she was surrounded by reptilian minded freaks. The rock that was in the house was all staged from the outside. IN other words, a rock was thrown to show the idea that a burglar got in by climbing the wall( HA), but Amanda knew the dude was in the house taking a shit and she allowed him to have his way with her in her room. Meredith woke up to some black man attacking her. Blood all over her bra means he was going for the neck. Possible daywalker vampire ( the brother).The other white dude who knows was another enabler-not doing anything, but at the very end of the day… these three people involved in Meredith not breathing anymore tells you that it was more than likely a satanic ritual for BAAL biitch Dracula to go after an earth angel on a soul level. That is the bottom line is that you have satanic fuck heads walking the earth and think of gangstalking and military grade technology to take out an Earth angel or anyone that is decent on the planet. So, fuck n A…. there you go. Amanda is free, the brother is free and the white dude Harry Potter dude is free. All three= isis, Horus and set. Masonic ritual shit. 33 degree murder case. BAM. Shit was staged for the cops and the judicial system in Italy and there you go. blah blah blah. BAAL bitch case is the bottom line. To take out a soul from prospering. from 3d all the way up to 5th dimensional shit. ( Dracula/ ENKI/ BAAL bitch) Amanda Knox case is about ritual sacrifice -how to hunt down an earth angel and get away with it. Can’t do double jeopardy in the case now… but that is how this shit rolls now. Have a good one. Meredith’s family should know one thing: she was a good kid and did not deserve psychopaths to fuck with her. Anyhow, chow.

Also, duh, study the glass you can tell the glass remnants are on the inside of the rim meaning a rock was thrown from the outside to stage a so called burglary. ( not too bright) Anyhow, here is a picture of the window. I don’t know why people allow this nonsense, but here you go. If the picture does not show up here then here is a link:


Satan/ Baal/ Jesus/ Michael secret technology. Fallen Angel Tech used on Humans for cloning and other needs for Star Wars. There is no firewall for the brain.The Tech must be destroyed.,the%20charter%20bus%20Sunday%20night.

I have a pretty good idea how this happened. Unfortunately, he is infected too with nano tech and his central nervous system is hooked up to AI. So, he was receiving neural stimulius by microwave hearing. He was told to attack probably. Paranoid is where as a targeted individual your own through processes is disturbed and yes, nano tech plus frequency will do this to anyone. The thing that runs this planet has a huge network of “intelligence” agencies that are going against humans. It is a silent war and something that. the masonic fuck heads want: your guns because they have aliens and clones now and also it is a brilliant idea now to blame yourself and that is what they do. They use the gun problem. When we have a 5g frequency war going on. it is the technology that needs to be completely shut down and I mean down. AI/ Skynet what ever you want to call it is the root cause for people to land in jail. The cop masons love this tech because they can scope out anyone they want and get ritual sacrifice loans out. Payouts. Silent insurance money and also this is how they go after people’s inheritances/ trusts/ and wills. Yes a secret society is a secret mafia for the crown cartel. Yes, this AI/ 5g technology in conjunction with chemtrails is what can change one’s thinking now. They can literally “download” words and thoughts to anyone and that is a 3d thing and also a 5d thing. Because what governs the planet sits right behind the Pope. This is why you need to learn the technology and what it is used for. To destroy lives and families. If a family is “well to do” they send in gangstalkers to scope out money. CIA / FBI has access to your banking and can swipe you clean out. These people are in sexual blood cults. They are ruthless and don’t care about law. They do what they want as long as it drains you and puts you out in the street. If you don’t kiss Klaus Scwab and bill gate’s ass then your targeted for death. Their boss is Enki/ Skinny guy aka Lucifer. He also portrays himself as your savior. Jesus with fangs. Law on the books means very little to them because they create the law to protect themself and what they can get away with. They use all sorts of shit like Domestic violence, gun problem, mental health, sex, food, whatever. They monitor your behavior in the beginning then they “test” practice it on you. To get you out of sorts and kills or hurt yourself and your own environment. So, if you have a stable family they go after that. If you have a decent marriage-they go after that. Any relationship you have eventually these masonic fuck heads will use technology to upset your life. If you have a good job- gangstakrs are informants from DOD / CIA to purposely get hired in your company and sabotage you. They don’t want you making money because money feeds you and gives your strength to cognitively function. They attack the basics of life like I said: food, money, job, relationships. They attack anything and also they love to JUDGE you. These are satanic shit heads that work for Enki/ Lucifer/ Jesus or whatever name this shit heads goes by. This is also why I say: religion is all mind control, but you also have to learn their technology and HOW they use it to land you in their jail cells. It is alll designed for the royals. on the planet and their hive mind clones. Yes, we have clones and they do exist. 

Now, with this case in West Virginia, I think the kid was feeling the beginning effects RNM. He just lost it and took out three people. But another little secret is that the NSA/ NASA/DOD were watching him. The government knows who has and doesn’t own fire arms. They honestly want a utopia world with no guns and sexual pleasure. They want a KGB robot force to work for Enki, the crown maggot. All this tech has been used over and over in the past: How about “In thee name of Allah, put down your guns for the Americans.” How about that shit? Look it up. This poor kid is now in jail and in my opinion due to remote neural monitoring and has a ocular implant tied to the back of his head. A parasite. A thing that needs to be removed from him, safely. Remember, the CIIA/DOD and all these fancy law enforcement make money secretly off the books to make money on human trafficking and this is one way to do it. Get everyone in jail so that “bets” can be made. Assurant Insurance is one of them it went down because masonic cops were using it for gangs talking money. Lots and lots of secret deals within hidden companies hiding mooney for the sole purpose of trafficking humans. Look at the migrant situation. The Cartels are making a shit load of money on their hidden secret world of companies. Hair salons, food business, shoe business etc. You name it you can probably find money laundering for the sole purpose of “watching” people and seeing if they can destroy themself. This is why it is called Silent Weapon; quiet war. The Trojan horse effect is to infect humans with nano tech; get meta data on the human behavior for the shrinks ( mental health projects at universities), and make money off this tactic. War is the greatest secret tactic. War covers up money laundering, cloning, sex, and murder all in one swoop. So, this young man that killed on the bus was more than likely a victim of this technology. He did pull the trigger which is why you have to learn this masonic bullshit tactics. These people don’t want any attention to their little money maker off of humans. OH, no. They lie it because a million satellites and a sun simulator does all the work for them, remotely. How to remotely kill a human. This is what we are dealing with. How to make some one look crazy with a gun. A typical masonic ploy. They did this to me yesterday. To Upset me. To get me mad. I caught onto their frequency war and was like, Nope, not falling for you v2k. These are ASSET STRIPPERS and if you. are thinking it won’t affect you? Guess again. No one is fully immune to this 5g bullshit. One day, no one will realize that their own brain is under someone else’s control. This is why crime will go up, up, up, up and law enforcement will get a ton of money off the backs of humans. A huge problem with this technology is three way or multiple relationships in regards to “affairs.” People having sexual affairs and this is tied to this sexual military cult. The military is divided among gay factors.  Civil War, the movie, is a gay military movie compliments of Hollywood. They pump this shit out. How a rose colored dude with a gun wants to know if you are “American enough.” Trigger movie and also something to put into your subconscious about war. How these types of soldiers don’t protect you they hunt too kill normal people in America. Sorry, but true. These are hunters in the movie. So, a lot of stuff about guns and war is being pumped out by elite Hollywood freaks. They don’t make good movies anymore. I realized even in the chrsitmas section of Hulu was a ton of violent Christmas movies.. So, what does that tell ya? Hollywood is the military industrial complex and like I have said ini the past: California has a huge influx of Underground tunnels. Shit that can affect you and make you sick. Many people leave California due to high levels of 5g. Also, it is a shit hole right now due to purposeful Homelessness and taxes that are un-called for. It is all by design. All of it. Again, another way, kick you out of your home and move so that China can have Silicon Valley. In the future, Star Trek’s based there. San Francisco…. so there you go.. a future prediction forStar Fleet command and wonder off in cold space and work for the elite to build Mars. HAHA. Mars is a meat locker and you can become food.

So, going back to the story: this man,,the%20charter%20bus%20Sunday%20night.

Christopher Darnell Jones Jr… was and IS a victim of v2k, in my opinion. However, if three lives are gone.. then there you go. It is done. If he was feeling paranoid.. then to me, that is a sure sign of v2k/ microwave hearing. ( Havana syndrome if you want to go there). Well, I am going to sign off for now. I hope this helps someone. Many people are falling victim to this satanic weapon that secretly destroys lives. Remember::: Enki wants his clones and a more manageable race of humans. The New Human with 3 to 4 strands of DNA. Clones mixied in with other terrestrial beings out there. He is more of a thief out there in space and I am sure he has done monstrous things in space to other beings /lifeforms and II am sure that Good ole’ Enki iis not well liked in space. You have to remember that DNA is gold to him. He is an engineer and a manipulator of life. Enki uses frequency on people and things to get his way. He s a player, liar, thief, and a murderer. To drink the blood of Jesus is a vampire thing. He is a nasty ass alien spider. Ocotgon. Three headed spider. Side note: Princess Diana dried from DEW hitting her car. She was pregnant at the time with another man’s baby and this pissed off the royals. So, an energy weapon took out her car and she died in that tunnel. I knew back a the moment when she marrying the wrong man. She did. He was all wrong for her. They treated her like a breeder and that was it. Michael Hastings the reporter also died from DEW hitting his car. So, once again, no one is immune to Enki’s wrath. He is not normal. Naraccistic tendencies. You should watch the video from Robert Stanley and how he encountered this Enki creature and how Enki almost killed a 10 year old boy by using this technology of v2k. If Robert Stanley was not there to help the kid he would of died. Enki is NOT your buddy. Telling you the truth about your world and you better start waking up to the evil here. It does NOT like man… It USES MAN.

Keep Going Forward

12-25-23 It’s Christmas Day.  


It is 5:00am  and I am in pain from DEW.  I did not get much sleep because of the nano tech in my body from a secret COVID shot given to me by my dentist. Yes, one day, I trusted someone and I got a nasty shot. I knew pretty instantly that this dentist works for the dark side. I had to have the work done, but I never returned.  I have not been to see a doctor in a long, long time. I don’t trust anyone in the medical field. Too dangerous because doctor’s look at me as a guinea pig with nano tech. This technology is being used by gay military. I am just going to call it what it is. Yes, gay men, mostly.  I have always given people the benefit of the doubt, but now, II realize that the whole gay thing is now a real dangerous weapon being used on people “they” dont’ like. The movie Ciivil War isi about this. You can tell from the trailer.  Soliiders with colored dyed hair and painted nails and red colored elton john glasses that has turned deadly.  This is your military and how they want to be portrayed? I guess so. Anyhow, Yeah, I have had a sneaking idea that this MIC is using this tech against people who are not gay.  So, this whole movie coming out of Hollywood is about punishing people who are against the lesbiaan/ gay movement. Well, yeah, if you have a gun pointed at me from the NSA/ NASA.. I got a problem with it.  I have always knows about this war.  It is spiritual and physical and yes, something evil runs this planet and it sits right behind the Pope. 

So, how to survive? 

#1. Believe in just yourself and find things that just make you happy.  I have told you in the past the number one goal of these narcissists is to put you in a position where you look bad. Get you out of character and say, “ see, they are this and that.”  Yes, DEW is painful and what I do is calm down my breathing. My body is hot from DEW that I sit outside to cool down. I take an aspirin for the pain. I eat a balance meal and take vitamins like A, E, fish oil, probiotic, biotin, and a multi-vitamin pill.  I listen to jazz and clasical music to increase and change my thought pattern from pain.    I do things to make myself happy. I ignore all gangstalking, I ignore all cops when I go out. I am cordial, but know. I keep applying for work because real employers want real workers and skills.   I do things that are positive, no matter what. I don’t get pissed off like I did because “they are monitoring” my behavior.  Yes, they do. Using Remote Neural MOnitoring. That is what the tech is for. Basically, humanity is “wired” up for behavior and how Klaus Schwab knows your credit score.  Most Tii’s have a “handler” someone that is dark and works for the military and uses v2k and synthetic telepathy to crush them. Most TI’s that I know have learned how to cope with this shit from these narcassists.  I just know it is reptilian and /grey alien shit from experience.  So, I know that the rabbit hole goes deeper. Yes,  we also have clones. Migrants can be clones. Many clones and obama/Biden team want a 51st State to create. An invisible cloak of humans to rig the system and that is probably how they are going to rig this one in 2024.  If clones/ migrants are not being screened like the rest of us humans that fly out.. What does that tell ya?  Hurry up and process them through to rig the system. I believe we are dealing with clones. No reason for a medical screen because they are created from DUMBS.  Black eyed children are being created and have black eyes. ( grey alien hybrids) Already advanced humans with 3-4 strands of DNA. The New human now. Thanks to your government getting in bed with the greys.  They need humans and in exchange we give you technology. A contract was made minus YOU. You were sold out. They have time travel, jump room, v2k, synthetic telepathy, holographic tech, lasers, and more lasers. You can’t deny this fact because some of these Navy ships are using lasers. Welcome to Star Wars just like Ronald Regan said: The threat is out There as he pointed up.  So, how do you survive this shit? Well, just hand tough.  Your going to have to. With Chemtrails, GMO and now lasers… your going to just hang tough and deal with the pain and the lies that is thrown your way,.  Yes, your government signed a contract with the Grey little aliens. Yes. and it gets deeper too. But, for now, I will mention it in this paper. 

Happy Christmas by the way.  I hope you have a good meal in you and get a small gift.  I am just grateful to be alive and be in this fight against the evil Globalists. 

I hope that homeless people eat a good meal today and converse with people of like mind. Have a good cigarette and just smile today. I know it is really fucking rough out there. I know because the Globalists wanted me fucking homeless using this technology. I know. I am sorry if you are homeless. Keep moving forward and if  you just need a job.. Keep going to social services and keep applying for work.  My attitude is that if the migrants are using social services then so should you-an American.  America is being run by Obama/ Biden. So,, there you go.  On a soul level, Obama is Akenhaten. A re-incarnated soul. Michele is Queen Tiy, also re-incarnated. 

Well, I am going to sign off now. The news is just that.. Stuff to write about war and other stuff that does not create. Have a good day and just chin up.