Tesla Technology-who stands to gain and who stands to loose?

The swiss templars stand to gain by using Tesla technology. How? Well, duh, you have to go back in time and look at how tesla technology was developed and the “intent” behind it. Why was Tesla hired to do actual current testing?  Why?  What was he seeking? Was he a dark occultist? Perhaps. But towards the bitter end there was one banker who supposedly asked him? Where is the meter so we can charge humans for current to their homes? Remember? A banker approached him and wanted to know where the meter was. Tesla said,” It’s free.” Free to humanity. Well, if you correct me.. That pissed off some very powerful people back in that time frame. JP morgan to be exact which is who? Tied to freemasonry families. Also, rumor has it that Trump’s great uncle knew about this technology and ran with it and now look at us today. If he could know about time travel you can take out people in the future. Right. Loopers. Go back in time or forward in time and execute human souls-then you can manipulate people in the present for more money and more power.  What I am saying, is to think for a moment. We have very powerful 5g towers. Why?  I have told you that hive minding means infecting you with nano tech so that your brain can be read. If you can create a “problem” and have the solution for the future then you can be President. Correct. .. Perhaps we are seeing this now. Supreme Court is looking very closely at all the data on Jan 6th and getting rid of Trump’s persecution plus other people. I think Jan 6th was a mind control fuck day. A testing of tesla technology, if you ask me.  So, now we see how you win by losing. ( star of david here where you can flip the script)  Trump is going to be everyone’s favorite. He is going to have all the answers to draining the swamp. I would even say that this whole trial thing was your typical “problem” and solution.  Don’t be stupid people. Wake up. They have time travel technology and Project Pegasus where you can go backwards in time and see what was being developed for the future to manipulate and even kill your enemies on a future soul level. Get it?  They are all in bed with one another and played a heavy game with normal people on this 2000 time line. Remember the year of 2000 was a very important illuminate date to go after very important souls.  If you remember, or able to remember, the year of 2000 was to get everyone “online” with the sun Simulator. To get the tingling effect on your body. To align with your central nervous system- to begin hive minding the population. The year of 2000 was Obama, clinton, Trump and all the major players on a global scale to fuck you. To use this “tesla” technology to hurt and kill good people on this timeline that started back on 2000. The mayan shit calender thing. You win by losing. Well, If you put Trump in a swarm of paperwork with judges and attorneys and he stays in that arena.. Then you can have your “other” team of players find evidence to get you out of your trial. Get it? They are all on the same team except you don’t realize that it is a evil game of win by losing by using the star of david. I know how this looks and that I am “anti-jew.” No,…. what I am telling you is that you have very high ranking people (dark jesuits) or false Israel who is using this technology on everyone.. From mind control to actually killing a human and calling it a day and then hitting that hidden insurance policy then pay off your fucking friends.  These people at the highest level of red house and white house have known about this time travel shit for awhile now. Andrew Basagio even went on Coast to Coast and told everyone that OBAMA was with him the day he went back in time to the Civil War. Look this up, and you will see again, I am not fucking around with this.  Manipulation of timelines in human history. They have been doing it and they are doing it now. By the Supreme Court hearing about all the data on Jan 6th they are getting ready to release Trump just in time for the election. Then everyone will vote. Right? Well, then he wins. I am not trying to do voting interference, but what I am saying that “information” about the future is what is being used to win. If you know the future and can create a “problem” so that you WILL  win…. Then that is manipulation of truth. What I am saying is that all this hell goes all the way back to obama administration.  Plus on top of it all you got illegal immigration. So, if you have enough illegals ready to vote and create a new state… you have a shit load of votes that was just created wrongly. Think of it this way, new people means new state, new state means they can be tallied and counted for. So if over 1 million illegals come over that means 1 million people in a created STATE and that can be counted for.  So, all these men at the top of the pyramid, have known about time travel and how to manipulate situations on a global scale to become powerful and pay off a shit load of people to rise of power.  Their ultimate goal is Star Wars and to conquer other planets and other life forms with this technology because The Greys wanted what? Humans in exchange for technology.  Guess who was assigned that role? Tesla back in the day. He did the work and then was raided and taken down to homelessness. Hmmmm. Sound familiar? Yep. This is what the elite do. Use people. They don’t do the work.. They have humans do the work so they can have the $$$ at the end of the day.  These top elitists exploit humanity and make promises after promises. People who come to America are like… Where are the jobs? Where is the food? Where is the apartments?  So, some of them are saying fuck it.. I am going back home and I won’t freeze my ass off in Chicago. So, illegals are slowly leaving. Again, another form of Mind Control on a mass illegal way.  Another test..which leads to high crime. High crime for the cartel is key too. Take over small towns in TX and sell properties at insane rates, but take over the town. 

You win by losing: Star of David here. Flip of the script.  Hidden secret agenda and play books are being played out right now. Play book number one is coming out by means of the Supreme Court clearing Trump and the other people on Jan 6th. Like I said: Jan 6th was a mind control rally day. All done on purpose. Make the innocent be guilty and then the guilty becomes innocent. Flip of the script. This is why I don’t’ vote because of this mind control cointelpro game.  I don’t participate in any events. None. However, you want to know how 5g is fucking with you.. Well It is called TIME TRAVEL. They also have technology where old souls from the past re-incarnate. And this is why Earth sucks of evil. It keeps looping the same people over and over and over again. The same souls of evil. You could work your living ass off and these same souls will continually knock you down into poverty and eventually death and then you re-cycle again for the same asshole souls. This is how you get karmic families and why your own personal family members will hate you from the time you are born.  Around and around you go. Are you going to wake up to this alien technology or what? The alien invasion occurred long ago with manipulation of sex, dna, and more sex. ( go forth and multiply, my children) 

In order for humanity to really wake up you have to confront the death star. That thing in the sky. People are getting sicker and weaker due to nano tech in the blood PLUS that thing in the sky that manipulates humanity. They have Star Trek enterprise technology, people. You have to wake up to it. Black magic is just DEW aiming at your head while you try and sleep. They just send negative energy with the intent to mind fuck you. Reemember, too, that thee Nazis were dealing with the Pleadians who are fallen angels. So, there you go on the horror of war. World War 2 was another testing ground on humanity. This is why you saw fucked up shit in Europe. Why did Anne Frank’s father go back for that diary when he could of just ran away? Why was the diary so important?  Food for thought.  Anyhow, she was sold down the river too. The Nazi’s are fallen reptilians. Look into their eyes and see the slit of lucifer. Go watch aliens 2 and find out what you are really dealing with. Robert STanley told you that he even saw tick/spiders during the encounter when a 10 year old boy who was bleeding to death due to MK ultra.  Yeah, watch it if you dare. So, right now humanity is being fucked with on a massive scale. You win by losing scale.  Flip of the script.  I know my family is karmic as fuck. I got screwed over big time and all I ever did was service the public right after the shit show of 9/11.  So, there you have it. 5g is time travel and jump room technology and also a way to kill humans. You can’t have honesty anymore, just corruption by a bunch of alien reptilian clones.  Remember, they recycle fucking souls. 

Obama : Akenhaten

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